How a Learn To Be tutor empowered the academic journeys of two sisters on his path to the Presidential Volunteer Service Award

Amelia Camilleri
March 25, 2024

How many hours have you tutored?

175.78 hours of tutoring in 145 sessions from January 2023 until February 2024.

Tell us about your favorite moment(s) tutoring with your student(s).

My favorite moments would have to be getting a message from a student on exam day telling me they did well on the exam after we put in a lot of hard work studying for it. It's always great to see a student rewarded for their hard work.

What kind of specific impact has your tutoring had on your student?

I tutor 2 sisters and I am constantly getting messages from their mother telling me how much more confident they feel taking their exams knowing they are prepared. Mom also tells me that working with me keeps them on track and motivated because we set small goals to work towards to ultimately achieve our big goal.

Why did you decide to earn the Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) through Learn To Be over other organizations?

I didn't set out to earn the PVSA. I joined Learned To Be to help students. It was only after I had tutored over 100 hours that I realized I was eligible. It is honestly a nice recognition, but it is not my motivation to be here. Helping students is much more important to me.

How does earning the PVSA help you in your future?

The PVSA award is something nice to add to a resume or job application but for someone like myself who is well along in their career and transitioning to post-career activities and goals, self-satisfaction and supporting others are my true motivations. Any additional recognition is frosting on the cake.

Anything else you'd like to add?

I would encourage everyone to find a way to support each other in our journey through life. If you continuously do the right thing, you don't need to seek awards, they will just come to you.

Interested in earning the PVSA through Learn To Be? Consider applying to be a tutor by visiting Click here to learn more about the PVSA and how you can earn it through Learn To Be. Volunteering with Learn To Be means providing free, online tutoring to students who need it most. We hope you'll join us.

Amelia Camilleri
March 25, 2024