Title Description
Compare shapes Practice comparing shapes based on their number of sides, number of corners, and side-lengths.
Quiz: Scale Quiz 1.1
Recognizing fragments A fragment is a part of a sentence, but can’t be a sentence on its own.
Multiplying fractions Practice multiplying two fractions.
Using semicolons and commas Identify when to use semicolons and commas in complex sentences.
Reading stem and leaf plots
Convert units word problems (US customary) Solve word problems that involve converting between US customary measures of distance, volume, and mass.
Add and subtract within 100 word problems 3 Practice solving word problems with addition and subtraction.   These questions are start unknown problems including add to and take from problems.  Numbers used are 100 or less.
Intensifiers and adverbs of degree Identify and use adverbs of degree. Many of them don't end in "-ly"!
Evaluating expressions with one variable Practice plugging in a value for the variable in an equation. These are introductory problems, so the expressions aren't too complicated.
Frequently confused words: here/hear Can you identify the difference between the words “here” and “hear”?
Making good scatter plots A good scatter plot has the independent variable on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the y-axis. Also, the scale of both axes should be reasonable, making the data as easy to read as possible. In these practice problems, we practice telling good scatter plots from bad ones.
Hypothesis testing in experiments Look at the results of different experiments, and determine if they are statistically significant.
Somatosensation Questions Questions pertaining to Somatosensation
Draw right, acute, and obtuse angles Create an acute, right, or obtuse angle using a given vertex.
Calculating the touching point Calculate a point on a parabola using the string art construction
Rates & proportional relationships A variety of questions about rates and proportional relationships involving graphs, tables, and equations.
Read picture graphs (multi-step problems) Interpret picture graphs to answer questions about a context.
Numbers to 120 Practice finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between 0 and 120.
Evaluating expressions with variables word problems Practice plugging in values to evaluate real-world algebraic expressions. These are introductory problems, so the expressions aren't too complicated.