The Mischievous Misadventures of Adam the Prankster

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Adam, a mischievous third-grader, was always on the lookout for new ways to liven up his day.

One sunny afternoon, Adam decided to put his creative mind to the test. He gathered a handful of rubber bands and proceeded to stretch them across the hallway, creating an invisible trap for his unsuspecting classmates. As the other students came rushing through the corridor, they found themselves stumbling and tumbling, much to Adam's delight.

The next day, Adam discovered a stash of whoopee cushions in the teacher's lounge. With a mischievous grin, he strategically placed them on the chairs, eagerly awaiting the comical reactions that would soon follow. As his classmates sat down, the room erupted in a symphony of giggles and laughter, much to the teacher's confusion.

But Adam's antics didn't stop there. During lunchtime, he decided to swap the salt and sugar containers, leaving his friends with a surprising and sour taste in their mouths. The looks on their faces were priceless, and Adam couldn't help but chuckle at his own cleverness.

However, Adam's luck soon ran out when the principal caught wind of his mischievous ways. With a stern lecture and a warning, Adam was forced to rethink his approach. Instead of pulling pranks, he decided to channel his energy into more positive endeavors, such as organizing a school-wide talent show and helping the janitor with his daily tasks.

In the end, Adam learned that true happiness comes not from causing chaos, but from bringing joy and laughter to those around him. With a newfound appreciation for kindness, he became the class clown with a heart of gold, making his school days a little brighter for everyone.

Reading Comprehension Questions