Title Description
Sample spaces for compound events Practice checking if sample space diagrams match a compound event.
Rounding challenge Give your brain a workout with these challenge problems on rounding.
Prepositional phrases Identify prepositional phrases and how to use them!
Evaluating expressions with two variables Practice evaluating expressions in two variables by plugging in values for the variables. 
Name shapes 2 Practice more challenging problems identifying circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles.
Binomial random variables For example, find the mean and standard deviation of a binomial random variable with p = 0.02 and N = 500.
Unit fractions on the number line Use unit fractions to think about the location of other fractions on the number line.
Two-step inequalities Solve inequalities that take two steps to solve. For example, solve 3x + 2 > 5.
Systems of equations with substitution Solve systems of equations where one of the equations is solved for one of the variables.
Sequences word problems Given a verbal description of a real-world relationship, determine the sequence that models that relationship.
Divide fractions by whole numbers Practice dividing fractions by whole numbers.
Making small numbers in different ways Practice making a number by adding other numbers. All numbers in these problems are less than 10.
Geometric definitions
Analyzing structure with linear inequalities Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.
Decompose figures to find volume (unit cubes) Find the volume of irregular 3D figures made up of unit cubes by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.
Ratio tables Practice filling out tables of equivalent ratios.
Decompose angles Find an angle's measure when given the measures of its parts.
Simple and compound sentences Identify which sentences are simple and which are compound
Associative property of multiplication Practice changing the grouping of factors in multiplication problems and see how it affects the product.
Numbers to 100 Practice finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between 0 and 100.
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