Luiza wants to go on a popular talent TV show. In order to be accepted, her audition must get at least $60\%$ positive votes from the people in the crowd. She was afraid she will not get enough votes, so she made a video of her act and showed it to $60$ random people from the crowd before the show. $50\%$ of the people said they would vote for her.
Let's test the hypothesis that **the actual percentage of positive votes among the crowd is $60\%$** versus the alternative that the actual percentage is *lower* than that.
The table below sums up the results of $1000$ simulations, each simulating a sample of $60$ votes, assuming there are $60\%$ positive votes.
**According to the simulations, what is the probability of getting a sample with $50\%$ positive votes or less?**
$\qquad$[[☃ input-number 1]]
Let's agree that if the observed outcome has a probability *less* than $1\%$ under the tested hypothesis, we will reject the hypothesis.
**What should we conclude regarding the hypothesis?**
[[☃ radio 1]]
Measured $\%$ of positive votes | Frequency
:-: | :-:
$40$ | $1$
$45$ | $24$
$50$ | $89$
$55$ | $211$
$60$ | $306$
$65$ | $240$
$70$ | $107$
$75$ | $19$
$80$ | $3$