Eddie will enter high school next year. His older brother tells him that everybody in high school plays a musical instrument. Skeptical, Eddie decides to investigate. Throughout the next month, he asks a randomly selected sample of high-school students whether they play an instrument. The table below shows what Eddie finds.
**Use the data below to calculate the following percentages.**
Round to the nearest *hundredth* of a percent.
Percentage of all students that don't play an instrument $=$ [[☃ input-number 1]] $\%$
Percentage of $9^{\large\text{th}}$ graders that play an instrument $=$ [[☃ input-number 2]] $\%$
Percentage of all non-instrument-playing students that are in $9^{\large\text{th}}$ or $10^{\large\text{th}}$ grade $=$ [[☃ input-number 3]] $\%$
|**$9^{\large\text{th}}$** | $10^{\large\text{th}}$| $11^{\large\text{th}}$ | $12^{\large\text{th}}$| Row total
- | - | -
**Plays an instrument** |$7$ | $3$| $5$ | $9$ | $24$
**Does not play an instrument** | $14$ | $22$| $17$ | $9$| $62$
**Column total** | $21$ | $25$ | $22$ | $18$ | $86$