Title Description
Hypothesis testing in experiments Look at the results of different experiments, and determine if they are statistically significant.
Somatosensation Questions Questions pertaining to Somatosensation
Draw right, acute, and obtuse angles Create an acute, right, or obtuse angle using a given vertex.
Empirical rule Practice applying the 68-95-99.7 empirical rule.
Calculating the touching point Calculate a point on a parabola using the string art construction
Rates & proportional relationships A variety of questions about rates and proportional relationships involving graphs, tables, and equations.
Read picture graphs (multi-step problems) Interpret picture graphs to answer questions about a context.
Numbers to 120 Practice finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between 0 and 120.
Equivalent fractions (fraction models) Practice finding equivalent fractions. These problems show you pictures of fractions to help you out.
Add fractions with unlike denominators Practice adding fractions that have different denominators.
Dependent and independent events Determine if two events are dependent or independent.
Subtract within 10 Practice subtracting by "taking apart" (with numbers less than 10).
Positive and negative linear correlations from scatter plots Practice identifying the types of correlations shown in scatter plots. Sometimes we see linear correlations (positive or negative), sometimes we see non-linear correlations (the data seems to follow a curve), and other times we don't see any correlation at all.
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